Karwood Market Area Traffic Study

CLIENT: Town of Paradise

YEAR: 2016

ROLE: Traffic Impact Study

CATEGORY: Traffic Studies

Karwood Market Area Traffic Study

CLIENT: Town of Paradise

YEAR: 2016

ROLE: Traffic Impact Study

CATEGORY: Traffic Studies

Harbourside Transportation Consultants (HTC) prepared a Traffic Study for the Karwood Market and Octagon Pond development areas in the Town of Paradise, NL. These areas have been the subject of a number of development proposals in recent years. The study provides direction to Town staff on the road network improvements that will be required with the anticipated levels of development expected to take place in both development areas over the 5-year and 10-year planning horizons.

The project included the following components:

  • Information Gathering: HTC met with the Town of Paradise and various developers to obtain the background information and the proposed development concepts for the Karwood Market area and for the lands adjacent to Octagon Pond. The limits of the study were defined and realistic timeframes were established for developments proposed in the study area.
  • Data Collection: HTC deployed MioVision video traffic counters to collect traffic count information that was required for this project. A total of eight (8) intersections were counted for the study.
  • Trip Generation/Trip Distribution: HTC developed the trip generation rates for the developments proposed within the study area based on the 9th edition of the ITE Trip Generation Manual. HTC distributed the site-generated traffic onto the study area road network using expanded versions of the VISUM models developed originally by the City of St. John’s.
  • Existing Capacity Analysis: HTC built an existing conditions Synchro model of the study area intersections. This model was used to determine the level of service (LOS) for a number of different scenarios for all specified study area intersections. The roundabout was analyzed using Arcady software.
  • Conceptual Road Network: HTC’s analysis of the study area was based on a road network framework that has evolved over the course of a number of different planning studies. This road network had been configured for the adjacent land uses/access and expected traffic volumes. HTC focused on the major roadways and intersections throughout the study area to best achieve a safe, efficient and well-connected road network.
  • Future Capacity Analysis: Three different future scenario Synchro models were developed. The analysis scenarios included:
  • Scenario 1: 5-year projection of growth and development (2021)
  • Scenario 2: 10-year projection of growth and development (2026)
  • Scenario 3: 10-year projection of growth and development with a connection to Route 2 (2026)
  • Road Network Improvements: HTC reviewed the proposed access options for the various developments from Kenmount Road, Karwood Drive and McNamara Drive. Cross sections were prepared for each roadway with conceptual drawings showing the plan and profiles.
  • Active Transportation: HTC reviewed the network improvements outlined in the Town’s Active Transportation Plan that improve both the safety and the walking environment for active transportation users. HTC considered opportunities to add and/or enhance active transportation infrastructure in the study area.