MUN Area Traffic Study
CLIENT: City of St. John's
ROLE: Traffic Impact Study
CATEGORY: Traffic Studies
The City of St. John’s, Memorial University, and the Provincial Department of Community Services partnered together to undertake the Memorial University Area Traffic Study to examine the longer-term transportation infrastructure needs in and around the University area which has seen significant growth.
The methodology for the MUN Area Traffic Study included:
- Project Initiation and Information Gathering
- Stakeholder and Public Engagement: Key stakeholder and public engagement consultations were recognized as vital components to the study. An online survey and two public information were used along with a website with an interactive mapping feature which allow participants to pinpoint areas of concern.
- Traffic Operations Analysis: Two traffic analyses were conducted for this study, a high-level analysis of the study area and a more detailed analysis of a sub-area.
- Assessment of Network Improvements: Network improvements were identified through the traffic analyses. This stage of the study included preparing drawings of network improvements and cost estimates.
- Public Transit: A number of key areas were examined in detail, these included an operational review, a fare strategy review, a review of transit planning and a service review.
- Transportation Demand Management and Parking: A number of TDM strategies that could be employed to more effectively promote and enhance public transit, parking and active transportation were recommended.
- Pedestrian Safety: A total of 22 pedestrian crossing locations with the MUN campus study area were reviewed. These were assessed using the TAC Pedestrian Crossing Control Guide to determine whether or not appropriate control measures are in presently in place.
- Review of Campus Specific Issues: The key improvements that were being proposed as part of the MUN Area Traffic Study was reviewed by the authors of the original Campus Master Plan, commentary was provided related to the compatibility of these improvements with the overall Campus Master Plan.
Unique Aspects:
- Use of the City’s VISUM travel demand model to determine future traffic volumes
Project Challenges:
- Addressing the requirements of various stakeholders (MUN, City of St. John’s, NLDTW, Metrobus, Eastern Health)
- Major public consultation program