Torbay Pedestrian Safety Study
ROLE: Pedestrian Safety Review
CATEGORY: Traffic Studies
Harbourside Transportation Consultants (HTC) was retained by the Town of Torbay to carry out a pedestrian safety review for the Town. The review will be a key element for the Town of Torbay in the provision of a sustainable and safe transportation system for its residents. With the rapid growth that has occurred in previous years and the potential for future growth, it was important to have suitable infrastructure such as sidewalks, trail systems and integrated pedestrian crossings throughout the Town.
The objectives of the study included:
- Gathering background information, which included, capital works plans, development and anticipated growth areas, location of existing crosswalks, etc.
- An assessment of the existing road network intersections in the study area during both the AM and PM peak traffic periods on a typical weekday.
- An assessment on the existing Average Daily Traffic (ADT) Counts and speeds on arterial, collector and local roadways throughout the Town.
- A Public Consultation/Workshop to obtain comments from area residents on pedestrian safety, crosswalks and existing problems.
- A crosswalk review which included an assessment of the existing crosswalks and pedestrian generators throughout the Town of Torbay and the adequacy of the control devices.
- A pedestrian plan which reviewed the existing and anticipated pedestrian patterns throughout the Town and any recommendations.